

Sunday, January 1, 2012

North Korea--Jan 1, 2012

January 1, 2012

It should be apparent that I am supportive of China in a broad way, feeling that many of the areas of widely agreed need for improvement (such as intellectual property, human rights, and others) are best understood in the context of what has been accomplished for the greater good of not only the huge Chinese population, but also the world which benefits from the production of the Chinese machine.

But then, there is the matter of North Korea, and the opportunity that arises for change, which none other than China is positioned to better enable. It is largely now the responsibility of China and Russia to influence the change which might result in the elimination of poverty, political imprisonment, and the lack of opportunity that is so prevalent in North Korea at this time. The Kim Il Eun regime is protecting the elite at the expense of the vast population. Millions have been tortured, been imprisoned, or have died as a result of the political and economic policies of this regime, which will certainly fight to protect the privileges of the same elite and its progeny, if no one does anything. There need not be a war, there need not be further economic sanctions, if only China (in particular) would step forward at this time with appropriate pressure on the regime, supported by Russia, the US and others.

This should be an easy choice, with little to be lost (except for the regime) and so much to be gained, for so many.